
My Personal Statement : My Philosophy Of Education

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The purpose of education is to support our students in developing the skills, the knowledge, and the qualities that will allow them to be responsible, contributing members to society, as well as being contributing members to the well-being of their community.
As an educator, I want to create a safe learning environment and get the students excited about what they are learning. I know how valuable teacher encouragement and motivation is for personal motivation. I hope to motivate students while teaching interesting assignments. I want to equip children with knowledge and skills to make intelligent choices. I want to help students reach their potential and develop into responsible members of their community.
At the very beginning, both teachers and students should treat each other with respect. Teachers should take the time to talk to and listen to their students, get to know what's on their minds, then the student(s) will begin to see that you're not just another adult, but someone who sincerely cares about them.
Also, taking time to listen to students’ concerns will show that I care enough about them to value their ideas. When students feel their teacher is a caring person, then the classroom becomes a positive and joyful place for everyone. Importantly, when teachers and students have a good relationship, it fosters an environment where learning can take place.
It’s important that my students like me. I want them to see and feel the passion I have for teaching. By

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