
My Purpose In Life

Satisfactory Essays

Does every person have a purpose in life and if they do; what’s mine? I asked myself that question a lot growing up. I was a kid interested in a lot of things, however I didn’t greatly excel in any of them. A new thing would pop up and I would think, maybe this is what I was meant to do in life. I tried cooking, drawing, baking, sewing, painting, costuming, singing, writing; literally everything a thirteen-year-old cold think of. I was the floater of my friends. Since sixth grade they all had it basically figured out. They found one thing they loved, and were good at and stuck with it until they went off to college. It was in the summer before my freshman year of high school I realized that maybe, if I tried new things, I could find my purpose in life. In the book, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life, written by Jen Sincero, she talks about this same dilemma in chapter seven named “I Know You Are but What Am I?” Is my only purpose to fuck shit up? I never felt like I was doing the whole life thing right. I was constantly out of step from everyone I grew up with. The fear of being judged kept me from trying all of the things I wanted to. If I had Sincero as my counselor as a teenager, then she could have told me this herself, “DO NOT WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME GIVING ONE SINGLE CRAP ABOUT WHAT ANYBODY ELSE THINKS OF YOU” (64). That was what I needed to hear. Once I realized that I didn’t give a shit about what people thought of me, I stepped out of my box and found out exactly what I was meant to be all along.
My New Start Freshman year is a new start for incoming middle school students. Suddenly, instead of having 500 peers I had over 1000. There were so many people that didn’t know me, that I could be anything I wanted to be because no one knew who I was before. So, I decided to take a theatre class; I wanted to try something I hadn’t before. That was where my entire life turned around. I had never experienced anything like that. Learning all about this amazing art where I can completely become someone else and teach people about events and stories through this character. It was in this class my freshman year that led me to finding my purpose in life. So,

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