
My Reflection On My Experience In My Class

Satisfactory Essays

My favorite subject throughout my years of school has always been English; I found it to be where I put most of my effort and creativity in my writing. I didn’t want to overthink the writing skills I had already because I was told college writing was a “different ball game”, so I entered the beginning of my English101 course expecting the unexpected. I made sure to keep the goals I wanted to achieve this semester always in mind; learn new writing techniques, strengthen my sentence mechanic/grammar skills, become a flexible writer, and to enhance my critical thinking skills. Throughout this semester I witness my growth as a student and my eager and dedication to improving my skills in this course.
I tested out different approaches that benefited me the most when it came to my writing. In the beginning, I avoided creating an outline for my essay because I viewed it as being extra work; but as my professor taught me the correct way of drafting an outline and the details to include, I found myself relying on the outline while composing my essay. I was able to keep track of important details to include and create a fluent transition all throughout my essay. One habit that I always kept when generating my ideas was to write down any thought I had randomly containing to my essay; doing this kept all my ideas fresh in my mind. After completing my first two essays I realized what my writing weaknesses were I knew I needed assistance. I took advantage of my college Writing Center and got help for my final essays, taking this approach improved the quality of my essays and taught me new ways to avoid my common writing mistakes.
Looking back at final essay grades and my professor comments, my writing skills have advanced throughout this semester. My biggest strength was my ability to use supporting details to verify my thesis and integrating the information fluently, “your overall coherence – transitions, emphasis, and introduction of the outside sources is great” my professor comment on Essay 3. Conducting a conclusion is also a strength I’ve advanced in my writing, summarizing the main idea of my essay and using appeals to create a strong finish. I noticed that my weakness is my sentence mechanics and grammar; in the

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