
My School Experience

Decent Essays

One of my favorite sayings is “dare to be different.” I have two older brothers, both of whom have attended and done well at Indiana University. I have enjoyed visiting the school, but I don't plan to follow in their footsteps. I'm more of a do my own thing kind of girl. While considering where to attend college, I’ve often thought that I’d like to find a school with an outstanding academic reputation, the feeling of a big school atmosphere, plus the many benefits of a small school. Tulane is such a place. A close friend of mine is a junior at Tulane who told me that she was considering attending a Big 10 university prior to visiting Tulane. She insisted that I come visit, to better understand the meaning behind the phrase “green wave is the best wave.” Prior to my visit earlier this year, I had never been to New Orleans, or even to Louisiana. Visiting for the first time in January of this year, I left the cold of Chicago behind, unaware of how warm New Orleans can be, even in winter. As I walked to Gibson Hall for my tour, I felt my hair becoming frizzy and my skin start to dampen, but for some reason I didn't care. I was simply that focused on learning more about the excitement I sensed all around campus. The speaker was both enthusiastic and engaging. She covered many of the basics, including the size of the school, the most popular areas of study, and the living and dining accommodations. All important pieces of information for certain, but none alone were truly

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