
My Senior Year Of High School

Decent Essays

Being the child of immigrants I grew up hearing that getting an education was important. My mother was not able to afford high school in Mexico so she always advised my sisters and me to take full advantage of the free school system in America; and that is what we did. My senior year of high school was tough. For the first few months of my senior year I did not feel excited about college the way that my peers. That is until I visited Trinity Lutheran College on one of its Fall Visit Days. I instantly fell in love with the school. The professor were amazing, the city was great and I knew the school offered the support I would need. The day that I received my acceptance letter from Trinity was the best day of my senior year. I was just so happy that I was going to go to a school that I was in love with and achieve my, and my families, lifelong dream of getting a degree. Through the Act Six Scholarship Initiative was able to attend Trinity on a full tuition full need scholarship, this meant I was able to attend college for free. Once I started my freshmen year of college I was excited by my newfound freedom. I no longer had to ask for permission to go out, I could stay up as late as I wanted; I had no one to answer to. I reacted to my new freedom the same way any other 18 year old would, I put my social life before school and what I wanted to do before what I needed to do and my grades for the semester reflected that. I realized, or rather remembered, that I was in college to

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