
My Sister Evett, Now Age 28

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Introduction My sister Evett, now age 28, was born in the Philippines on October 7, 1987. She grew up in Manila and attended an international private school. After completing high school at Brent International School, she went to University of British Columbia majoring in Biology and minoring in Psychology. After graduating she worked at BC Children’s Hospital, Childhood Obesity Foundation, and in the UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Since moving, then she has grown accustomed to the Canadian culture and resides in Richmond with her husband. She was raised in a protestant Christian home, and is ethnically Chinese (Fuchian and Foochaw). Evett has a unique and strong personality. I will be using the Five-Factor model to analyze her characteristics, since this model has received the most support and attention from personality researchers over the past few decades. It has been replicable in studies with items using English-language trait words, by dozens of researchers through different samples, item formats, and language (including Chinese, Indian and German) every decade over the past 50 years. Thus, historically the Big Five trait taxonomy has the highest consensus in personality trait psychology (Larsen & Buss, 2014). Many psychologists today continue to endorse the five-factor model in various applied settings and research designs (Larsen & Buss, 2014). This leading taxonomy consists of openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion (surgency),

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