
My Speech On My Life

Decent Essays

Good morning! It is 7:17am on a frisky Tuesday Morning here as I write these words to you. For the past couple of months I have been going about my life. Working, exercising, giving value back to others but I felt a lack of spark. It was as if everything I was doing was simply for the sake of it and it seemed that everything I was doing was lacking the depth and significance that I loved. The clock ticked. November 1st came and something magical happened. november I simply stopped where I was, looked up at the sky and began to use my imagination. I shut out the world, closed my eyes and began to imagine all the wonderful mysteries of life. It allowed me to imagine what kind of person I wanted to become, I started feel a new energy overcome myself as I ventured deeper into my mind. I saw myself fitter, stronger, healthier, happier, compassionate, energized about my life. To further enhance it, I put on my favorite music which allowed the imagination to expand even further. Then, I simply opened my eyes. It returned, the spark had come back. I realized that I was able to tap into a deeper potential within myself that was always there but needed to be reclaimed. It is from this experience that I invite everybody to use their imagination visualize beyond where they are today. We can get so caught up in all the demands of life that it can stop us from seeing the absolute deepest parts of who are. Especially as we grow older we start to attach and define who we are

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