
My Time as a Human Statue

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Living statues or live statues are referred to people who pose in a statue or mannequin-like of manner and appear to be realistic. Looking back to the history of live statues, it has been seen that this form of art has existed since the medieval and Renaissance times where live statues were a regular feature of festivities and royal entries by rulers during that era. The living statue has also been dated to appear in a scene of the 1945 French film, Les enfants du paradis (Children of Paradise). In the modern century, a German dancer Olga Desmond put on “Evenings of Beauty” (Schönheitsabende) in which she posed in imitation of classical works of art. Apart from that, Staticman, the well-known living statue personality with four world records, is also influential in today’s live statue art where he has organized many live statue festivals and teaches master classes for this art. Stationed in the first spot which was the Taylor’s University Square, being in a mask under the scorching sun was one matter, but the main issue was to stay still in a static pose for five minutes. I was a bit nervous but at the same time excited and curious since it was a new experience for me. I had only seen live statues in Trafalgar Square in London when I was small, and now here I was being in the same league as them; despite the fact that I’m just an amateur beginner and still learning. Working in a group for this live statue was another interesting challenge because not

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