
My Vacation Experience

Decent Essays

It all started when I was on vacation with my family in 2015. We were going on a 7-day cruise to the Cayman Islands. We had to take an 8 hour drive to the docking destination which was located in Panama City . I remember this day like it was just yesterday . When we first got there, I noticed something very informative that just caught my attention off the rip that I just had to share with my family . There was a big sign saying , "Notice you must have two forms of identification(ID) to enter the boat at all times." I didn't say anything to anyone about what I had saw at the time, because we were just getting on the ship when everyone had all of their personal items such as I'd's to check in . I was saying to myself that I'll tell everyone at one time when we got everything together in our rooms and settled for dinner that same night. So my family and I left off from one another to go to our rooms before the ship takes off from the docking station. As I was getting everything together in my room , I took a 3 hour nap because I was tired from the long drive we had to take to the docking destination. Therefore , as I am waking up from my nap , I discover that it was five minutes till time for our family dinner on the ship. I'm rushing to get dressed so I won't miss anything or any important announcements that was going to be discussed between the family . It took me literally 3 minutes to get dressed and out of my room to go find them. As I arrive to the

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