
My Worst Christmas

Decent Essays

Christmas is supposed to be one of the happiest days of the year for me. It really sucks to spend it in the hospital… Last Christmas was the worst Christmas ever!
I had went to the orthodontist a few days before Christmas and spent the day in Springfield. A couple days after, I had the most sore throat, it hurt so bad. I told my mom and she gave me some cough drops to help relieve the pain I was feeling in my throat. I thought my allergies were just acting up and it would be better the next day. The next morning I woke up and it was worse and my whole body ached and I did not want to move because it hurt so bad. I was also shivering because I was so cold! My mom thought there was something wrong so she took my temperature and it was 101 degrees. After that, she called the doctors and scheduled me an appointment for that afternoon. I was feeling worse by then and my temperature keep getting higher and higher. When we got to the doctor, she took one look at me and said she could tell I definitely did not feel good. And I didn´t! She told me I probably have the flu and I need to get lots of rest and drink fluids, just like what every other doctor would say. She prescribed me some ibuprofen and sent me home. On the way home, we stopped and got ice cream. When we got home, I took as much ibuprofen that I was allowed and tried to go to sleep. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was dripping with sweat but I felt so much better, but not 100%. My mom told me she had checked on my while I was asleep and my fever had broke. She had told me that when she took my temperature with the thermometer that goes across your head, that she forgot to take the cap off and it read 80 degrees! She freaked out and checked my pulse because she thought I died! That gave me a much needed laugh when she told me that. As the day went on, I started feeling worse and worse. My throat was getting more sore and I felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest. I had so much stuff in my lungs I felt like I could hardly breathe. I had a constant headache and all the muscles in my body ached. I did not sleep any that night. The next day was Christmas Eve, I tried getting rest so that I would hopefully be feeling better for Christmas and my

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