
My Worst Vacation

Decent Essays

My Worst Vacation Ever We all know what it’s like to go on a vacation and have an amazing time, but do we know what it’s like to have a bad vacation. Last year for Labor Day Weekend we decided to got on a trip to Atlantis. Atlantis is a water park filled with greatness the most daring slides. I have been here before but I was younger so i couldn't go on the mouth dropping slides. We woke up at four o'clock in the morning and drove to the airport because me and my my love early flights. We love early flights because we can get there in time to see what we could do the next day and check out our room. When we got to the airport we went to our gate and sat down. We were hungry so after a while we got the amazing tasting, color rushing, and best looking dozen of donuts I have ever had. When we got back to our gate we were boarding. Finally we were on the plane. I have a brother but I always call window seat every time. I love window seat because I can see the beautiful lit up buildings and city. I can also see the amazing sunrise. I didn't need to use an I can electronic on the plane when I had window seat. It's like I can feel the sun's beauty. We were just about to take of when some lady fell. When she fell we all heard a crash. The lady had gotten stuck between the two seats and couldn't move. Everyone would leave the plane and they said she was fine but they had to cut the seats to get her out. So after that incident they decided to move us to a new gate and said your

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