
My Writing An Argument Paper Over The Hit Podcast ' Serial '

Decent Essays

As I began to type the opening paragraph for my argument paper over the hit podcast “Serial,” I began to realize I was in serious trouble as the words refused to flow. Even without any formal writing education, I prided myself on my ability to write, and convey my ideas with ease through the means of a keyboard. By the end of these pages, it is my hope that you the reader, will be able to get a sense of the adversities I had faced, and what helped me develop my writing process, and abilities. Growing up, writing came as easy to me as riding a bike. It was never anything I needed help on, aside from the occasional proof read - it was something that just came natural. The worst part is, I knew it. Whatever the topic was, I was able to write with ease. Unfortunately, I was not learning more advanced writing techniques and etiquette, just expanding my vocabulary. So when I was assigned to write an argument paper with quotes, cites, and sources, I thought I had it all figured out. After listening to the twelve episodes of “Serial,” with at the time what I thought was a firm understanding of the topic, I got to typing. During class while discussing the premise of the argument paper, my ego had taken over. After several ‘A’ papers, and my overwhelming confidence in writing, it shut my brain down. Classes became a time to space out and relax, and it became obvious as I tried to pull a respectable argument together. After retyping the first line over nearly ten times, it began to

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