
My Writing Is Easy Isn 't Doing It Right

Decent Essays

Author and professor of writing, Amy Joy stated “Anyone who says writing is easy isn 't doing it right” Learning what I have about the writing process over this past semester, I can now confidently say that Amy Joy is absolutely correct! Writing has never been my strong point but taking on the challenge to turn that around has been extremely rewarding. My lack of confidence in my writing skills would always come across in my assignments. It was clear that I needed guidance with grammar, sentence structure, and expanding my vocabulary. Fortunately, the coursework in English 101 along with the help and support of my professor, I have gained a much greater confidence in my ability to write quality college level papers. My writing has greatly improved taking the Introduction to College Writing course. I have learned how to integrate the words and ideas of others by quoting and paraphrasing, about expository writing, and most importantly, critical thinking.
The first graded assignment of the course was a profile essay. The objective was to gather information, using the techniques of field research and to gain experience with narration, description, and examples; as described in our assignment rubric. We were to draw on memory, observation, or interviews to write about a person who represents something larger than him/herself or about one aspect of a person. I was especially intimidated to begin this essay. I had no idea how to successfully construct an essay let alone conduct an

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