
Myop's Innocence

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"And the summer was over" with the end of summer also came the end of Myop's innocence.In the short story "The Flowers" by Alice Walker Myop is a young innocent girl. But by the end of the story her innocence is tainted due to a startling discovery.Through her use of diction, imagery,and symbolism Walker effectively conveys the impact of the startling discovery on Myop. Walker starts of the story very light heartedly by creating an atmosphere resembling a youthful paradise in which Myops basks in.Walker accomplishes this through the use of jubilant diction.With words and phrases such as "Myop skipped lightly" on "days that have never been as beautiful as these". As well as ''golden surprise" and "light and good in the warm sun". Which create a tone of purity and childhood innocence. This tone and diction is quickly altered as Walker incorporates much darker diction which …show more content…

Which is to initially creates an aura of warmth and happiness then to dramatically shift to a more ominous mood. The aura of warmth and happiness is achieved by describing the beauty of the wilderness by describing the beauty of the wilderness as "flowers with velvety ridges and a sweet suds bush full of the brown,fragrant buds." As well as an air that held "a keenness that made her twitch." Through these examples of imagery one can imagine young Myop picking flowers and exploring the forest.Even though Walker and establishes forest as a place of inquiry it is not until later in the story where she reveals the vexatious aspects of it.These vexatious parts of it is characterized by the corpse. The corpse of "The tall man" with "large white teeth,all of them cracked and broken, long fingers, and very big bones" with "clothes rotted away" is described so vividly.This vivid description provides a sharp contrast with the imagery earlier in the story.The imagery concerning the corpseshow just how dire Myops finding really

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