
Mysterious Africa Essay example

Decent Essays

Africa has always been mysterious to the rest of the world. The Greeks and the Romans traded with the peoples of Northern Africa. However, they thought that the land mass went no farther south than present day Somalia. In fact, Alexander the Great even considered shipping supplies for his armies around this smaller Africa to India. This same idea continued well into the 15th and 16th centuries until it was discovered that Africa has an extremely large southern protrusion making the second largest continent in the world after Asia. These vast areas used to bring Africa wealth well into the 18th and 19th centuries, trading gold, salt, and also people. Their greatest wealth actually came from this slave trade; they wouldn’t trade their …show more content…

The homeless rate is helped by this and the Arab invasion of the 800’s causing it to be shameful if one didn’t help their own family and friends. It has been this way through most of history. The perception that Africa suddenly got poor is totally false, the rest of the world suddenly got very rich. The rest of the world was then collectively egotistic towards the Africans. The peoples of Africa were seen as backwards for the lack of writing systems, complex societies, sewer systems, et cetera that were seen in the supposedly “civilized” countries of the planet. What the world didn’t realize was that these people had been doing perfectly fine for the last several thousand years. What they also didn’t realize is that people who don’t know they could be living better generally don’t want it, until a few have it, then all want it en masse. This caused several problems directly following the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, the repercussions of which are still felt today as slowly receding echoes. In the early 19th century there was an extreme land grab, when countries started seeing Africa as a land of much wealth. However in 1885 there was a conference in Berlin to determining rules for land grabbing. Then in approximately 1910 the same “brains” that would a few years later split up Arabia split Africa among a multitude of countries, even giving King Leopold II a huge swath of land called “The Congo

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