
Contextual Stories: Ancient Egyptian Myths And Religion

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Mythical accounts by the ancient Egyptians employed narratives to express its’ social conventions and the religion’s contextual foundations and influence in society. The myths describe not only the societal hierarchy, but also enactments of rituals and a chronicled view of life in ancient Egypt gripped by religious values. Mythology employs the believer’s creative imagination, where according to Ions: “Egyptian myths…cannot be considered as fixed stories…their function in the Egyptian religion was to provide a notation of symbols with which to express ideas; if the ideas changed, then the myth also had to change.” Despite these myths appearing to be fantastical, under today’s standards, these mythical narratives and the characterization of these gods “shape the most fundamental or ultimate values” of ancient Egyptians by providing the individual with “rules laying down what ought to be done or what ought not to be done.” The myths involve the divine gods of ancient Egypt, illustrating their origins and association with mankind. In a sense ancient Egyptians are, as Byron E. Shaffer says, trying to: “attain both a comprehension of their beliefs and practices and an appreciation of them.” It was a means to incorporate the traditional values and religion with their everyday life, where through religion, individuals in ancient Egypt are connected to the divine world of “superhuman beings [that] are conceptualized by humans, and [humans] have a place in the shared cognitive

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