
Reaction About Osiris

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Osiris is the Egyptian “great god” decreed as the Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead (Pich, 2002, p. 178). He was the first son of the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut. He was married to his sister Isis, whom he ruled Egypt with, until he was murdered by Seth, his jealous and vengeful brother. After his death, Osiris went into a coma like state.

Most textual evidence accounts as Osiris being born wearing a crown (Pich, 2002, p. 128). The sun god Ra himself chose Osiris to succeed his father, Geb. A few sources state a struggle for power between Osiris and Geb. Kom Ombo even claimed in a text that Osiris was born again after his death when his father Geb and his grandfather Shu merged together.

Pyramid texts often depicted Osiris …show more content…

The text in the walls of the pyramid frequently identified the dead king inside the pyramid with Osiris. By the second millennium BCE, this identification was, in name only, prolonged to all the dead. All aspects of burial and mummification eventually came to be linked the Osiris and the mythology that surrounded him.

Some of the most important values of the Egyptian culture, such as harmony, order, and eternal life, and also gratitude, was projected by the myth of Osiris (Mark, 2006, Worship of Osiris). The hatred Seth showed for Osiris was depicted as a lack of gratitude and envy, which gave birth to the idea of ingratitude being a “gateway sin”. The myth depicted the fall of gods to such misdeeds, and the consequences that came afterwards.

The cult of Osiris centered around the city of Abydos, and the necropolis of the city became the most longed for burial ground since the people thought that being buried as close to the god as possible would bring them fortune in the Underworld (Mark, 2006, Worship of …show more content…

A ritual in the Middle Kingdom considered the body of Osiris as barley and Seth with the donkeys who trample the barley to thresh the grain. This can be seen as the myth of Osiris being connected to the annual crop cycle and harvesting, and is one of the earliest example of ritualistic integration of the Lord of the Underworld. Osiris could hence be also worshipped as an agricultural fertility deity. During festivals of Osiris, Ithyphallic corn mummies were made and buried (Pich, 2002, p. 179). This was symbolic for giving new life to the dead, just like seed corn grew into new

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