
NHD Narrative: The First World War

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NHD Narrative

Wars have been going on for centuries, originating from the beginning of the human race. They were always feared, for the destruction and loss was unpredictable. However, they kept coming, and seemed to never end. But all those wars seemed insignificant when World War Two came around. It was unprecedented in its scale and destruction. It was the most destructive war ever recorded, leaving up to fifty-five million innocent civilians killed. A total of sixty- one countries took part in this destructive war. The damage around the world cost trillions of dollars and led to the destruction of countless cities. Boys as young as twelve, lied about their age to join the army and support their country in the war. As terrible of an event …show more content…

This caused Britain, Poland, and France to become allies and confront Germany. The allies eventually included Brazil, Australia, Canada, Newfoundland,New Zealand, South Africa, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and the United States. The supporters of the allies were Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, México, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Not all the countries took part in this war. This resulted in the world being divided into two sides. The countries which allied themselves with Hitler were Italy and Japan. Even though the war was greatly favored on the side of the allies, nonetheless Hitler and his supporters almost gained victory over the rest of the …show more content…

The leader of Great Britain was Winston Churchill, the one person who single handedly went against Hitler. He was the prime minister of Britain and worked closely with president Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. He was born into an important family of Britain. Later, he joined the military for a while, but quit soon later becoming a war correspondent for a newspaper. He then became interested in politics, following his father's footsteps into becoming an independent person. When Britain declared war on Germany, he was given the position of first lord admiralty and he also became a member of the war cabinet. Later, because of the lack of confidence towards the current prime minister, he took his place as the new prime minister. At the same time, he was also the leader of the opposition party. He was different than other leaders because he genuinely cared about the people and wanted to help despite the money and fame. Because of him, there was hope in the war. It is undeniable that the outcome of the war would have been completely different if he had not been there to

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