
Nacirema Essay Questions

Decent Essays

Question 1: An essential belief about the Nacirema is that the human body is ugly as a whole and is easily prone to getting diseases. Through the whole life of the Nacirema, its wish is to change their characteristics through ritual and ceremony. As I was reading this, I feel that today’s society relates to this greatly. As people grow older, people want to change for the better or for the worse. We do things to change our physical characteristics to beautify ourselves—such as: getting piercings, reconstructive surgeries and cosmetic dentistry. Personally, I have been wanting to change my body by working out and being more fit. For some of these situations, this can be very beneficial by promoting a healthier living, but for others, this drive to change can be detrimental—physically and mentally. Question 2: Miner hinted that the term Nacirema, refers to the American society/the American people who are living in the United States. When reading this article, I took note of a satiric tone in it. I realized that all the rituals represent the things we do, and how out society has been shaped, all being described in a barbaric way. In essence, it conveys the fact that Americans are obsessed with our self-image. The point that Miner is trying to make is to show us how ridiculous we are by how we are trying to make ourselves …show more content…

“Girly-girls” are being judged more harshly than the “tomboys.” Girls often watch the behaviors of other girls by how they dress, makeup, bodily presentation, and even their diet. Nowadays, girls are often occupied with sports and they are not being regarded as being a “tomboy.” A “girly-girl” are girls that are being depicted as always getting their hair done, wearing a lot of makeup, always afraid to get dirty, and are mostly the popular ones. Whereas, “tomboys” are less popular, dress more masculine, and can get

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