
'Naming Myself' By Barbara Kingsolver: Poem Analysis

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Question: What does this text suggest to you about the interplay between how individuals perceive themselves and are perceived by others ? Poetry Critical Analytical Response The opinions of others can have influence on the perception of yourself significantly. These people can help you in many ways such as providing encouragement, guiding you, and are there when you need them. However you can be impacted negatively or positively by these thoughts or their opinions. In the poem “Naming myself”, by Barbara Kingsolver she narrates that they were mostly negatively impacted and she presents the idea that people's judgement or perception of you makes you feel unwanted and she felt like she had to keep her name private and unknown. She also mentions that she has guarded her name like how people keep their own clipped hair, symbolizing how secretive she is with her name, she doesn't want others to think bad of her or make her feel …show more content…

In the poem she wrote “I have guarded my name as people in other times kept their own clipped hair”. This Sentence shows clearly how she keeps her name unknown so she doesn’t get hatred for it. In the beginning of the poem she starts by expressing her fear of about not being able to keep her name and identity. And Your name and identity says alot about a person and having the feeling of not having an identity isn’t a good feeling, because your going to feel left out. Another example would be when she mentioned “believing the soul could be scattered if they were careless”. In this sentence she goes on to explain how if people were to care less it would be better, she's basically talking about how people's perception is very negatively affecting towards her and her identity. In the end she expresses her thoughts about who she discovered herself to be, in her heart she felt very strongly about the native roots that she finally accepted as a part of

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