
Napoleon Monologue Animal Farm

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I, I can’t believe what just happened. All these executions for a simple confession, this isn’t right. So many dead, killed by Napoleon and my puppies. Watching our friends murdered has left all of us shaken and miserable, but I almost feel guilty. Those were my pups that I let Napoleon train. But he trained them to be killers. First they drag the pigs by their ears and once Napoleon forced the pugs to confess about how they were secretly in touch with Snowball he ordered my pups to kill them. My pups ripped at the throats of the pigs. Then my pups tried to have a go at boxer, it was as though the taste of the pigs blood sent them mad.

Napoleon said that the education of the young was more important, I let Napoleon train and teach my puppies because I thought they would have had a better future. I never meant for them to turn out like this. I am so mad, yet in a state of shock. Three of the hens were murdered for simply having a dream about snowball! One goose ate six ears of corn more than he should have last year and was murdered. A tale of confessions and executions continued. The smell of blood was heavy in the air as a pile of corpses laid below Napoleons feet. …show more content…

Am I wrong? I need to get one of the animals who can read to read them too me again. This can’t be right. The idea of after the rebellion was to have a good life, why are we murdering each other? The days of Mr Jones almost seemed better than this. But as Boxer always says Napoleon is always right, so maybe there is a good reason for this. Squealer generally has a speech to explain all this, maybe I should ask him later. But then again what if I get executed for asking, this is all so scary thinking I could be killed for saying or doing the smallest things wrong. We all make

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