
Narcotic Anonymous : A Ten Step Group

Decent Essays

Narcotic Anonymous is a twelve-step group that allows narcotic users to meet with others who have the same problem. It is a group that allows an individual to have support from another individual who has been or is going through the same thing. The objective of these meetings is to help individuals become and remain clean ( I was able to observe one of these meetings. The meeting I attended was at The Meeting House, which was in Point Pleasant at St. Paul’s Church. The meeting commenced at 7:30 p.m. and completed at 8:30 p.m. The physical environment was in a nice place, but I thought it was weird to have it across from Fruth’s, Rite-Aid, and a doctor’s office behind it. The meeting room was in the basement of the church. They had …show more content…

If they didn’t want to speak, all they had to say was that they passed. Before anyone spoke, they would say their name and “I am an addict.” All the members had slips that were to be signed when they walked in, and I could tell some of the individuals didn’t want to be there. They were quiet and didn’t join in any of the conversations between the members. They just sat back and played on their phones. The leader was at the head table, and they were behind he/she. The leader was unable to see that they were on the phones. It was stated at the beginning phones were to not be out at all during the meeting. The dynamics of the group was the leader, which was the coordinator. I believe the leader also had the roles of orienter, initiator, and encourager. They were the one the one leading the meeting and keeping it going in the direction it was supposed to, outlined the tasks for the group, and encouraged participation in group discussion. There were several mute or silent members. These members only talked when it came around to them in the circle, and they only spoke to say they were going to pass. These roles applied to several of the members. The leadership style in this meeting was democratic. The members came together and made decisions, such as: having a bonfire meeting next weekend. Self-help groups are used when the individual is ready to get help or is forced to attend. These groups attempt to have you

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