
Narrative Analysis : Narrative Therapy

Decent Essays

Narrative therapy is one of the post-modern therapies used today. Narrative therapy helps individuals identify their values, skills, and knowledge they have to effectively face problems in their lives. The key ideas of narrative therapy are: people’s stories give meaning to their lives, stories are shaped by emotional themes, a person’s story shapes his/her personality, people seek counseling when their stories do not match their lived experiences, and people who have less social power benefit greatly from Narrative Counseling. The concern is with meaning making and there is an emphasis on mindfulness and positive psychology. The process of Narrative therapy starts in the initial stage exploring the client’s issues. It then transitions into the insight stage to a deeper understanding of the issues. The insight stage is followed by the action stage, where the client and therapist work to change the story and therefore change the outcome. Lastly, there is the termination phase. Narrative counseling seeks to be respectful and a non-blaming approach to counseling; the client is the expert of his or her own life. Similar to Client Centered Therapy in which the client has the innate ability to self-actualize without the direction of the therapist. Additionally, Narrative Counseling separates the client from their problem and believes that he/she has the resources to face the problems in their lives. Client Centered Therapy also focuses on the client and separates the client

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