
Narrative Essay : A Short Story : The Story-A Story?

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The prospect of wrestling rocks out of dirt under the sweltering summer sun versus spending a breezy summer day in the city, would seem insane by most. But a little physical torture in the morning could get Mae a pedicure and the red ankle strap sandals with the stiletto heel she’d had her eye on by late afternoon, made it an easy choice.

Dexter turned off the main highway onto a narrow dusty road that went on for miles and miles. Scrawny signs, handwritten on torn cardboard then stapled to dilapidated fence posts, showed up every few miles, leading the way. The punishing mess of turns on this desolate road was getting Mae carsick so she leaned against Greg’s shoulder and gazed out the window. “Where are we anyway? Nothing’s even out here. Can you imagine being stuck out here without a GPS to get us back out?”

“Wait! Turn around. Over there.” Greg pointed to a grouping of trucks, cars, and a temporary trailer office, nearly hidden under the large oak trees.

They got out of the car, slapped on their packs, and merged in with their fellow rock pullers. Mae felt a little uncomfortable, seeing no other females but herself, so she stood close to Greg, trying to disappear. The boss ignored their late arrival and continued with his instructions. “So, that’s it for the rock wall, now for the well. If any of you bring in a size like this, that one’ll get you five bucks. That size there,” he pointed to a larger rock, “*and* unbroken, could get you ten bucks. Anything bigger, well,

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