
Narrative Essay About My Best Vacation

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It was Mexico three years ago. My dad's job was celebrating in Mexico and our family ( which is my brother, mom, and Maria) could come with him. We went to this 5 star resort by the beach. IT WAS AMAZING! There were so many pools and the hotel room was so fancy! The aqua blue ocean was so warm, that it felt like there was a heater in the water. We went swimming multiple times and I think i saw a whale jumping from the water. Everywhere I looked, there was something new to see. Other than the fact that I got sunburned a lot, I thought that this was an awesome vacation. We could even bring our nanny, Maria. We spent mornings eating breakfast from the giant bufe and afternoons were spent swimming or finishing my rainbow loom bracelet. The evening was for eating yummy dinner and facetiming with my friends. I was exploding with joy. When my dad had free time from work, we were browsing around and we saw a stand with a bunch of pamphlets. Dad and Mom said that we got to choose one activity to do. We looked at caverns and zip lining but then I saw it. Dolphins! It said that you got to do tricks and get your picture taken! I showed the flyer to my parents immediately. “Mom! Dad! Look!” I squealed, racing to them. My brother, who wasn’t a fan of water said, “I wanna go too!” And then we were off. We took a shuttle to the place. I was so nervous! My heart was pounding. I finally got to meet one of my favorite animals! When we arrived, a helper asked us to get on our swim suits or

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