
Narrative Essay On Ordinary Dad

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Ordinary dads work an eight-hour job, then are able to go home and relax with their families. Ordinary dads teach their children to drive when they are fifteen rather than ten. Ordinary dads do not have to quit working to attend their child’s game. But, my dad is not ordinary. My dad never stops working. He does not have the weekends off or any vacation days. I have only seen him take one day off in my entire life, for my sister’s wedding. He wakes before dawn and does not retire until long past sundown due to that he has devoted his life to not only being a dad, but also a farmer, teacher, and supporter. Most people think of farming as just cultivating land and crops or raising animals, but it is so much more. A farmer does not just milk …show more content…

During the spring and fall, the “normal” days are long gone. After working with the cows in the morning or afternoon, the crops needed to be planted or harvested, which meant long nights and early mornings. Often I would bring his supper to the tractor or combine and join him for a while. I always made sure to pack a Pibb and a few 100 grand bars because I knew that it would brighten his day no matter how wrong things could be going. Farming has made my dad who he is today, as it is not just a job but a way of life, the only thing he knows. When most people think of a teacher, they think of someone who leads in the classroom, but most definitely would not picture a farmer. My dad has taught me numerous things, not only with school, but with life as well. I recall one warm June day when he decided that I should learn how to drive a manual tractor, he explained to me that it is a valuable skill to acquire and it could help me in the future. I hopped up onto the torn, leather seat as he followed me up the steps and sat to my right on the fender. He wore his worn, once black, now brown, work boots with frayed laces. His distressed blue jeans were covered in holes from catching on wires and sharp corners. A grease-covered rag hung out of his back pocket. His shirt that once was a dark maroon, but now faded and coated with stains, reads “2009 State Wrestling Participants.” Scars covered his dirt coated arms, and when the warm summer

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