
Narrative Of The Disappearing, Native American, By Thomas King, The Truth About Stories

Decent Essays

In order to fully understand the first unit of American Studies I am going to orchestrate a class in which we explore the major themes and perform exercises to enhance the understanding of everyone in the class. This class will be titled, “Stories: Their Influence and Power.” This class will focus on how stories have the abilities to change people’s lives, and will especially focus on the context of stories in the lives of Native Americans. This class is extremely important because it will give students insight into not only Native stories, but into their own stories and how their lives have been impacted by them. This class will focus around excerpts from the book by Thomas King, The Truth About Stories, and circulate around two main …show more content…

One simple story turned him into a star basketball player, one could also argue a psychopath as well, but we will stick to star basketball player. In order to explore this further I am going to have my students perform an activity. I am going to ask each student to think about a time in which someone made something up about them, and how that impacted their life. Or if they have ever made up a story about someone else and how they think that impacted the other person’s life. We will then hold class discussion on how a single story, whether true or not, can change the portrayal of a person. The second story we will analyze in The Truth About Stories is going to be quintessential to this course and will inhabit a great deal of the time. We are going to look even deeper into the power of stories and turn it into something personal for the students. We will start by reading the story about Thomas and his son moving from Utah to Canada, which is located on page 99. This is a very short story but it packs a great deal of punch. Thomas is forced to move for a job, and inherently his nine-year old son has to come with him. They get caught in a big storm and the son ends up reminding his dad that the whole entire this was Thomas’ idea. I am going to follow in Professor Richotte’s lead and put a great deal of emphasis on the son, as he did in lecture. I will stress that this was a

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