
Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

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1. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, written by himself Rhetorical Terms- Ethos: ethics, trust, convincing someone of the character, the credibility of the persuader Pathos: emotion/value, a way of convincing an audience of an argument by an emotional response Logos: logic, reason, proof, a way of persuading an audience by reason Passage 1 (ethos)- “When he spoke, a slave must stand, listen, and tremble; and such was literally the case” (Douglass 31). “He was, of all the overseers, the most dreaded by the slaves. His presence was painful; his eye flashes confusion; and seldom was his sharp, shrill voice heard, without producing horror and trembling in their ranks” (35). Discussion- Douglass uses ethos specially when referring to those who had great authority over him. In chapter 3, he talks about Colonel Lloyd and gives a very elongated description about him. Another example of the use of ethos is when he talks about Mr. Austin Gore the man who replaced Mr. Hopkins. Like he does with Colonel Lloyd, he talks about the authority of this man and about his faithfulness to the colonel. Lastly, Douglass also used ethos when he talks about how he never said anything negative about his owner. This is ethos because it relates to ethics and what was right at the time. He establishes credibility through personal experience and his loyalty towards his superiors. Passage 2 (pathos)- "Mr. Severe was rightly named: he was a cruel man. I have seen him whip a woman, causing the

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