
Narrative Writing Narrative

Decent Essays

Literary Narrative

Writing has always been a crucial part of my life. Despite any issues I faced, from my penmanship to my versatility as a writer, I wasn’t going to let these dilemmas prevent me from accomplishing my goals. Prosperity never came easy and at times it did seem futile to continue trying, but defeat wasn’t an option. Reflecting on the obstacles I conquered, it’s because of the arduous process I endured that allowed me to evolve into the writer I am today.

It's interesting how my passion for writing began in the first place. In second grade I wrote my letters and words too close together, which my teacher, Ms. Alexander, frequently scolded me about since most of my assignments were illegible. My parents also lectured me on my bad handwriting and forced me to practice separating my words properly. I did find this exercise annoying at first since it was time consuming, but it did help a significant amount. My teacher was elated by the improvement in my, now legible, handwriting. She was able to critique my latest writing project, which she thought was detailed and creative. My parents even agreed with her when I showed them my assignment.
Conveniently. these writing assignments were for our end of the year project where our series of short stories would be published into a book. This was a fascinating project for me since this was my first time being exposed to the publishing process. As a child, seeing how the original version of my stories transformed into

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