
Nathaniel Hawthorne 's The Scarlet Letter

Decent Essays

Nathaniel Hawthorne adds a satirical twist throughout his novel The Scarlet Letter which manifests his perception of the Puritanism. The novel portrays the strictness and impact of Puritanism on human lives. Hawthorne’s usage of Puritan characters and outcasts also demonstrate Hawthorne’s position on Puritanism. Throughout Hawthorne’s novel, all of the characters in this novel represent strong Puritan belief, Puritan lifestyle, strong resistance to Puritanism, and satirical Puritan lifestyles. Hawthorne uses irony to demonstrate his perception of strict Puritanism by providing ironic twists on a character’s true identity with Puritanism.
The word Puritan is a term for people during the 16th and 8th century who wanted more purity in worship and doctrine. The Puritans are a group of religious people from England within the Church of England. Their goal is to purify the Church of England and to fulfil the promise of God. The Puritans believe they are God’s chosen people. Puritans thought the English Reformation had never gotten that far in reforming the Church of England. They have a zero tolerance level of other religions. The King of England--Charles I-- persecuted many Puritans for their behavior. Due to the tolerance of many religions and the lack of effort from the English Reformation, many of them left the free society in England and came to the new world seeking a strict society where their religious belief is top priority. This society represents a “City on a Hill.”

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