
Nathaniel Hawthorne's Use of Words to Paint Images within the The Scarlet Letter and Hawthorne’s Political Career in the Salem Custom House

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Within the novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne used imagery throughout the entire story. Hawthorne utilized imagery to help support his ideas. He was able to paint the picture of what was happening. He vividly described every detail of the novel. There are many examples found within the story The first example is the letter “A” itself which stands for adultery. The letter is made by Hester. She makes it very high quality and from very fine materials. He goes into great detail, and it shows quite a bit about the character of Hester. She sacrifices her natural beauty by exchanging her colorful clothing for a dull gray and she hid her beautiful hair under a hat. She hides her natural beauty in an attempt to pay for her …show more content…

All in all, Nathanial Hawthorne heavily manipulates imagery to create a very thoughtful novel. At times it may seem a little extreme, but overall it helps develop and follow the themes within a story. It also gives you the enjoyment of creating your own little movie inside your head while reading the book. Zac Lockhart

Hawthorne’s Political Career in the Salem Custom House Nathaniel Hawthorne rights “The Custom House: Introductory” as almost as if it were an autobiography. Within the introduction, He uses pathos to set the mood and setting for The Scarlet Letter. It is actually a little dismal the way he describes Salem as a dying seaport. “Life in Salem proved anything but pleasant. A dying seaport, Salem hosted a customhouse filled with appointees with little or nothing to do. They idled their time away, as Hawthorne humorously revealed in an essay on the customhouse published as an introduction to The Scarlet Letter.”(American Studies @ Virginia, paragraph 20) According to my other source, Hawthorne’s job occupation gave him plenty of time to work on his research and literary works. “Work at the Custom House occupied his mornings, but he did find time to assemble twenty-one uncollected stories and present them as Mosses from an Old Manse” (American Studies @ Virginia paragraph 19) Hawthorne’s life as a surveyor for the Salem Custom House lined up pretty well with the introduction that he wrote. ““A writer of story-books! What kind of a business in

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