
National Association For Gifted Students

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The era of the 1950s and 1960s ushered in new priorities for the education of America’s students as well as the social, judicial, political and organizational structure of our nation’s schools. Some of the challenges that the educational system faced were facilitated by federal and state interventions. Interventions such as The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) No Child Left Behind, (NCLB) and Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) are just a few federal and state interventions that had a tremendous impact on the way we educate and motivate children to learn.
Motivating gifted students can present a challenge for any teacher. Many children are coming to school with very little enthusiasm to learn, especially the gifted child. Although …show more content…

Because of this law being at the forefront of any educational program, educational leaders must develop plans that effectively enhance learning and increase student achievement. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) serves as a roadmap for improving teaching and learning by educators. These standards are designed for students, teachers, and administrators. They help measure proficiency and set ambitious goals for the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for students to succeed in today’s schools. The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) standards developed 1998, is also enriched in technology standards in efforts of helping school districts examine the quality of their programs for the gifted learner. These standards help foster and encourage high standards of learning, and in doing so, support must be provided for gifted education programming services. In fact, NAGC Standard 4.1 E states that, “Gifted education programming should provide state-of the-art technology to support technology services.” While most findings concerning, gifted education are made primarily by the states and local school districts, NAGC collaborates a great deal with members of Congress and the U.S. Department of Education to ensure that guidelines in legislation …show more content…

This initiative was implemented in all public schools. The purpose was to have all students reach a proficient level on reading and math. NCLB forced schools to look at groups of students who were over looked and close the achievement gaps. If schools wanted to make AYP (Annually Yearly Progress) they needed to create interventions to assure that all students were meeting the mark. The downside to this movement is that students were being pushed to meet the average standard and it left students who needed the additional acceleration behind or it excluded the gifted

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