
National Honor Society Essay Examples

Decent Essays

I am honored to be considered to be a part of National Honor Society. I have been working for the past two and half years of high school to keep my grades up and being an applicant means I have done well. I would be a good candidate for National Honor Society because I meet the qualifications of good grades, outstanding character, great leadership and tremendous service.
My grades are good. I realize that they could be better but I still work hard to get my grades. To me sports is important but school ranks above that. When it comes down to it, grades are what will most likely get me into college. Being a participant in sports has taught me to have good study habits because I have to prioritize my time well. These habits will benefit me moving onto …show more content…

In athletics, I was put into a position where I had to learn how to lead. There are many different ways to lead. One way is through example. This is the way of leadership I was used to before I got to high school. I soon learned that I need to become a stronger leader. I have grown myself into a good leader. Although, I will never stop wanting to grow in my leadership skills. When I think of who a leader is I see someone who is a good example to others, all the time. Someone who knows what they are doing and always does the right thing. I have become kind of person. Through what I have done in the community and at school, I have shown several skills of being a great leader. I work with little kids in baseball to help improve their skills. I also lead others throughout the community by instructing them what to do at Arlis DeBoer’s. We, as a BASIC youth group, volunteered to paint and landscape her house. I have done work for her before and helped to tell them what needed to be done. Another is when I umpire a game. Whether it be softball or baseball, I am displaying how to be a good sport and play by the rules. I work to be an example for others and will always want to be a better

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