
National Honor Society Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

I am extremely honored to be one of the students considered for the National Honor Society. This club has been something that I’ve been looking forward to since the beginning of freshman year, and now that I’m finally eligible I couldn’t be more excited to take part in what this club has to offer. I have grown enormously as a person and as a student since I was a freshman, and I believe that the scholarship, leadership, and character I exhibit will allow me to benefit National Honor Society and benefit myself.
Scholarship and learning are things I strongly value in my day-to-day life. I have completed my freshman and sophomore years so far with an unweighted GPA of 3.94 and a weighted GPA of 5.57. I’ve challenged myself in various Honors and …show more content…

Being an older sister, friend, and active student in and out of the classroom, I’ve oftentimes been the person that others look up to for advice or ideas. One specific area that I am a leader in is the Cherokee Art Club. This year I was named group leader, which is a person that guides fellow club members by giving them directions, providing support and encouragement, and making sure that everything is going as planned. I was appointed to this position because of my dedication and effective leadership skills last year. Because of all the clubs and activities I’ve been apart of, I became a very confident and effective leader. Even though it wasn’t an easy feat, it is extremely valuable thing to offer to the world and to the National Honor …show more content…

Character is a combination of all the qualities listed above, but also the overall kindness and integrity one can offer to the world. Even though character is not measurable, everything I’ve done in high school so far has been to become a better person. I’ve never cheated or broken a rule in Cherokee, and I always try my best to make every club meeting that I have. In every class, especially my art classes, I’ve taken every bad grade and criticism from my teachers to heart to make improvements and I do the same when I realize that my actions or words aren’t helping someone. I’m by no means a perfect person with perfect character, but the hard work and dedication I’ve done to get where I am today is what should be valued by the National Honor

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