I would be a great asset to National Honors Society because I am a student that embodies scholarship, service, citizenship, and leadership. Up to my junior year at Brooks College Prep, I have demonstrated the pillar: scholarship, because I achieved an academic goals that I set for myself. Freshman and sophomore year my goals were to only have As and Bs on my transcripts, however going into junior year, I wanted to challenge myself. That being said, I challenged myself to become top 10 % of my class and I achieved that. Most recently I have organized a project that helps students and staff in Parkland, Florida that were affected by the school shooting. Group of friends wrote letters expressing our support and condolences. This was the
I believe I would be a great new member because I care so much about my education and doing the best I can. I try my hardest in all my classes and ask questions when I and others don’t understand, I try helping them to the best of my ability. I do not only care about education, I also care about my extracurricular activities. I have gained great leadership qualities through cheerleading and have become a better teammate through cross country and track. I believe that I express the characteristics that it takes to be a member of National Honor
I should be granted membership into the National Junior Honor Society for many reasons. First, I show leadership in many ways. Even though I do not hold a official leadership position, I still show leadership in multiple areas. In group projects at school, I always make sure my group stays focused, and I usually take a major role in doing the project. I also take a major leadership role on my baseball team, for I help mentor the younger and less experienced players. I also participate in Boy Scouts, where I also help teach the new scouts who have just joined lead by example.
I believe i should be in National Junior honor society because i work hard to keep my grades up, I take responsibility for my actions, I join in on school events like the dances and make sure i'm polite to my peers. I show leadership when the teacher leaves the room and i decide not to mess around, listening to the teacher in class and showing up to school with a positive attitude. When i show up to school with a positive attitude i smile say good morning and i’m ready to learn.
I make an ideal candidate for National Junior Honor Society because I have maintained a high academic average and take education and school seriously. I work very hard for everything. I have made the Honor
Over the past two years (2014-2016) I have participated in the National Junior Honors Society. As a member, I commit to completing community service and to learning among my peers in order to develop into a superior leader. I have taken part in activities such as fundraisers, team building activities, and several forms of community services such as working in a soup kitchen, daycares and organizing social events. Recently, I volunteered for a week as a vendor at a temple in Tacoma, raising money for the establishment during the Cambodian New Year festival.
Although lacking in some respects, such as previous community service, I have maintained a strong academic record and proven myself as a capable leader. As such, I view myself as a valuable asset to the National Honor Society.
Overall, I am a devoted and well-rounded student, making me a perfect candidate for National Honor Society. Not only do I posses the four tenets, character, scholarship, leadership and service, but I am also constantly working harder and striving to be better in all four regions. National Honor Society will help me reach my goal in becoming a better student and person. In addition, being a member of National Honor Society will allow me to be an example for other students, just like the members had been for me. In conclusion, I should be a member of National Honor Society because I demonstrate excellence in all four tenets of National Honor Society.
I, Steven Tellez, feel that I am a good candidate to serve in National Honor Society because I've experienced what it is to be part of the National Honor Society. In middle school I served in National Junior Society for two years and we participated in many events that helped towards the community and in my serving I helped induct new members into the program by lighting the candle to one of the four main attributes of National Honor Society. One thing I loved to do in N.J.H.S was help with the surrounding community when we got the chance. And in my everyday life I still help with my community and neighborhood such as feeding a stray dog on the street or help rebuild a playground that needs repairs or a cleanup. The joy of helping other people
It would be a great privilege it be inducted into the National Honors Society, and I am thrilled to be considered for such an honor. Being a part of the National Honors Society has been my goal ever since I started middle school. It is truly exciting to have the chance to engage and make an impression upon the society within the near future. Students who are to be considered as candidates for National Honors Society must excel in four main pillars of success. These pillars are scholarship, leadership, service, and character. I believe that I meet these requirements,
The National Honors Society allows students to be build and create traits that are essential in a successful adult. I truly believe that hold many of these traits and joining the National Honor Society will grant me the opportunity to expand on these traits and grow as a person. Thus far I have focus greatly on the scholarship aspect of NHS and have been dedicated to my academics. I have held my GPA above 4.0 and have always been devoted to maintaining that high level of academic success. The skills I have shown in devoting myself to my academics can be easily translated into my dedication for the other aspects of leadership, service and character. Having previously held a officer role in the National Junior Honor Society I have gained experience
I feel like I would benefit the Carrizo Springs National Honor Society because I have worked very hard to get to where I am today. My grades have always been my top priority at school because in the end, what matters the most is your grades, what you did to succeed, and your character. As a leader, I hope to be able to use my power to help others that are in need. I take pride in giving rather than receiving because I know that I am doing good for others and for myself. I pride myself on being a good role model, not only in my home or school, but for the community as well. Participating in the Youth Basketball Summer League was a huge honor because
My entire academic career i’ve demonstrated recognizable qualities. From a very young age I’ve been a hard-working student whose learning never ended when the school day did. I racked up awards and medals wherever I went inside and outside of the classroom in all subjects. I’ve always been able to stay on top of my school work and maintain a balance without falling behind on my responsibilities. For these reasons and many more, I strongly believe I would make an exceptional addition to the National Honor Society.
I believe I would make a great candidate for the National English Honors Society because I share the beliefs of the mission statement in multiple ways. I have always loved literature and will remain interested in it. I believe in building a community of academic achievers as well as trying my best to be one. I try to excel in all that I do by maintaining high grades and also being part of the community outside of school. English has always been one of my favorite subjects and I am looking forward to sharing my love for English with others.
I should be a member of the National Honors Society because I love going out and showing off my passion for helping others and growing with community members who share the same interests as me. I feel that by taking part in the National Honors Society I will grow to appreciate a new set of people and get more in touch with who I am as a person and not as what I conform to be. I hope to bring in a new personality to help add to the atmosphere and to give more to the National Honors Society than just being a bag of luggage.
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be recognized for my exceptional behavior that is displayed in everything I do. The National Honors Society can benefit me in accomplishing that goal. I enjoy learning new things daily, and applying it to my own life. I am doing extremely well in all subjects, but apart from classes, I am actively involved in school activities. For instance, I participate in cheerleading, basketball, softball, Heroes and Cool Kids and student council. The purpose of participating in these activities is to succeed. In order to succeed, I feel one must be focused, confident, responsible, creative, dedicated, and hardworking. These characteristics lead me to be successful and to dedicate myself to my academics.