
Native America Before European Colonization Summary

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The documentary about “Native America Before European Colonization" was published on April 8, 2013 by Thomas Oklahoma. It was written and directed by Cristina Treddi, and produced by National geographic and ZDF. In world history, Europe has been expanding its culture and way of living all around the world. Many countries in Europe found trades in order to grow their economy and population growth. Finding new territories was an ambition for many countries, for example France, Spain, England, German and Portugal. So, before European colonized many territories around the world, how the colonies lived? Were the colonies populated? did they have a culture? The European interest to colonize the America lands involved many countries of Europe, because …show more content…

Yes it was. America was populated by the Indian also known as Native Americans. As ancient world, America was populated by fisherman, farmers, kings, slaves, hunters and soldiers. There were also cities and tribes that were habited by thousands of people. So, were they successful? did they survived? Native Americans relied on nature as they first selected breathing. Its provided them for example, wood to build they houses and equipment to hunt. Grow crops such as corn and potatoes. And also wool provided by domestic animal such as lamas for their clouds. In course of time, native americans maintain what the nature could not replace by balance what they can hunt an grow. The way of living of native americans was quite similar to the european, but their culture and ambition made both civilization deferents from each others. The historical context about native americans was quite understandable. The narrator used a basic language and follow the events chronologically. He used a matter-of-fact tone of voice that makes the documentary very interesting. The context also display good simulation images that makes you visualize what happened in that period of time. Besides, the background music made by instruments that described an inspiration moments that creates a great environment. It linked the video content and the narration, so the audience are able to memorize the events easily and do not get

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