
Native American Stereotypes Essay

Decent Essays

Another issue is how Native Americans internalize the stereotypes that are forced upon them. In a study conducted by Fryberg, Markus, Oyserman, and Stone (2008), they found three common stereotypes of Native Americans in mass media: Spiritual people who are in tune with nature, warriors, or people with stereotypically bad outcomes, such as alcoholism. It is important to note that not all of these stereotypes are negative, and in fact a few of them are positive. What Fryberg et al. (2008) found, however, was that regardless if the stereotype was seen as positive or negative, all three of those variations caused harm in the form of “students’ feelings of personal and community worth, and achievement-related possible selves” (p. 216). It did …show more content…

While there are many variables in this study, the results certainly demonstrate that ethnicity and discrimination play a role in resilience, both in the form of academic achievement and feelings of despair. An extremely resilient Native American youth may be able to achieve high levels of academic success and keep their chin up in the face of despair, however, not everyone is made fully resistant to the wears and tears of stereotyping and discrimination. Race may be a social construct, however, it has very real consequences. Native Americans make up a miniscule percentage of American society, meaning that they are in the minority and are therefore subjected to the rule of the majority. That means that they are subjected to visions of America through white eyes, since whites make up the majority of America. White privilege, therefore, means being able to declare that Christopher Columbus discovered America, completely ignoring the fact that Native Americans resided here long before he arrived. White privilege means getting to write the history, since it is the winners who write history, and telling school children that the Pilgrims and Indians got along, and then glossing over events such as the Trail of Tears. White privilege means seeing Native American protests on TV, such the recent Standing Rock movement, and then having the

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