
Native Peoples: Learning About The Extensive Native American Culture

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Native Peoples Magazine, which was published in the year 1987, is an American Indian magazine that is distributed bi-monthly with the cost of $19.95 for 6 issues or $36.00 for 12 issues. The goal of this magazine is to reach out to people all around the world. Native Peoples Magazine portrays the arts and lifestyles, Native American artists, cooks, fashion designers, and their culture. The magazine can be used as a travel guide for many people. According to the Mailing List Finder of Native Peoples Magazine, it is said that the majority of the audience is college-educated readers and mostly occupy positions such as professional managers. The other percentages of readers are those of American Indian descent. However, after analyzing the …show more content…

For instance, the articles illustrate the colorful and extravagant paintings and potteries of the Native American culture. The pictures in the articles depict the lifestyles of Native Americans back in the days in comparison to today’s form of dressing. The Native Peoples Magazine can attract just about any individual who desires to learn more about a culture before visiting. It showcases the different dishes and places that an individual will encounter if he or she ever plans to visit. Thus, a result may be that an individual may familiarize himself/herself with the way of life and adapt to what could possibly be meaningful to the Native Americans. The Native Peoples Magazine also depicts traditional cars of the culture and books of known authors. Without even realizing, one might feel integrated into the Native American culture without physically being present. On another note, we can also see how this magazine attracts women. Most women care for clothes and jewelry, others care for the artistic aspect of another culture. I’ve scanned through the entire magazine, and I have not seen a gadget that a man might be interested in, which is why we can infer that women are most likely to be the audience that this magazine aims to attract. There are many things that one could learn from the articles of the Native Peoples Magazine. For example, the article “Traditional Native Musical Instruments of the Southwest” tells us more

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