
Nature And Nature In Ralph Waldo Emerson's Nature

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Journal #1 In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Nature, the religious, philosophical, and nature loving impressions of transcendentalism resume the endorsement of individuality, but now, it distinguishes itself by including nature into the forefront of creation. Through nature, man receives the tenets of truth by reflecting upon the connection between man and nature. Transcendentalism recognizes that human spirituality is reflected in nature. The wisdom of humans is deepened by “finding out all her perfections” (para 2), and “the flowers, the animals, [and] the mountains” reflect wisdom by empowering the “spirit of infancy” (para 2). Emerson regarded childhood as the pinnacle of wisdom because infancy is designed to have a carefree, rapt response to nature. Their “inward and outward senses” (para 2) are in sync to appreciate the beauty of nature that also resides in humans. Through Emerson’s introspection, he discovered that “man beholds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature” (para 2) from watching the tranquil horizon in solitude, and the word somewhat suggests that beauty is subjective to the beholder’s eyes even if the same beauty is presented in nature. This is where the idea of infancy proves again to result in greater appreciation for beauty, and Emerson provides an example of how “nature always wears the colors of the spirit” (para 4). A man whose spirit is saddened by calamity and grief views nature with contempt because it festers in his heart (para 4), and although the

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