
Nature And Time By William Wordsworth

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Nature and Time
Contrasting with the Neoclassical Period, the Romantic Period in British Literature was marked not by reason and rationalism, but by feelings, emotion, and nature. Of the writers of the Romantic era, William Wordsworth was one of the most representative, spearheading the movement by co-authoring “Lyrical Ballads” with his contemporary Samuel Coleridge. Thus, to gain a better understanding the Romantic period as a whole, it is useful to focus on the works of William Wordsworth, the period’s flagship writer. To do this, one can conduct a close reading of “Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey” and compare the progression and emphasis of the poem to that of “Elegiac Stanzas”. In doing so, one can see Wordsworth’s focus on the sublimity of nature and the attributes that are associated with the passage of time.
From the very start of the poem, one can already see Wordsworth’s accentuation of the beauty of nature. He beautifully describes the serene mountain springs with adjectives such as “rolling…sweet” and uses the verb “murmur” to describe the pleasant sound of the spring (Lines 3-4). Additionally, his use of contrasting adjectives paints a colored picture of his surroundings. For instance, although the phrase “wild secluded scene” is something that seems to contradict itself, it serves instead to emboss a vivid and specific picture in the reader’s mind that can only match what Wordsworth must’ve seen when revisiting Tintern Abbey (Line 6). Jumping

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