
Navajo Codes During WW2

Decent Essays

During World War II the United States were having troubles getting messages passed around without other countries figuring out what was going on. The US needed to figure out a plan out that would help them succeed. So, the US Marine Corps recruited a group of Navajo tribe members to help create an unbreakable code. The important part of the Navajo Code was that the US would have a code that would help them be successful in World War II. After Congress declared war on Japan in December 1941 there was a problem. The Japanese were great at breaking codes. The United States needed to figure out a plan quick if they were going into war with Japan. It was close to impossible to get commands to the military if the codes were broken and the enemy knew what was headed their way. It wasn’t until 1942 when the Marine Corps recruited twenty-nine Navajo radio experts to help create a complex code at Camp Elliott. Four hundred other Navajos followed to help this process. …show more content…

The Navajo never got a break. They had to think hard all day. They weren’t use to everything that got brought to them through this experience. For example, the military terms that they were supposed to use in their code. They got frustrated because they had to make the United States impressed and couldn’t let them down. The code had to be memorized. They also had to go through basic training before they could move up from school to actually use the code during World War II. The Navajo code started out very small with not a lot of words. It made more sense to have multiple meanings to one word to confuse the enemy so they made the changes to have more meaning to one word. A lot of hard work and effort was took to make the code useful. In Code School, the Navajo spent three to four stressful hours on one word. The amount of time spent on one word made this code extra

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