
Negative Effect On Football

Satisfactory Essays

Beginning in the year 1892, American football has brought joy to people all across America. Since football was created, many people across the world have used it for hundreds of reasons including bringing families together. Then, for the ones actually playing the game, the use it for a stress reliever an out from reality a moment out of their life where all they have to worry about is doing one thing that they love playing their sport. On the other hand, though there is one major complication that stops people from playing Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), CTE is caused from multiple blows to the head and in the sport of football each hit is the magnitude of a car crash it leads to people going crazy and possibly even death; but is …show more content…

Because in the end of everything, the only thing you need to successful in is life.
Another reason why I would allow my son to play football is the positive impact this game could have a positive impact on his life. My son could become a famous NFL player like Tom Brady, who one of the most successful quarterbacks to step on the field, he is the literal definition of how football can positively impact your life. Tom Brady once stated “I didn't come this far to only come this far so I still got further to go”. This quote shows how football will positively impact your future, even a man like Tom Brady, who has accomplished so much still thrives to do more. Without football Tom Brady could have been working some desk job somewhere and not have even thought about ever saying that, but because he did just that one sentence could positively change someone's future. If everyone used that same thought in their everyday life there is no stopping what they can do.
A final reason why I would allow and even want my son to play football is that he may become a professional NFL player. Many professional players love playing the game so much that they are willing to risk damage to their bodies: “Football is my job not my life, but I’m going to give it all for as long as I’m in it” (Williams). This quote from Ricky Williams, a man who devoted twelve years of his life to a job that he always loved. Football, to Williams, was never something that would make or break

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