The environment has been greatly influenced by human intervention and human activities and it has left many negative impacts through deforestation, and one of the worst impacts are the loss of habitat for millions of species ("Deforestation and Its Effect on the Planet"). The loss of biodiversity is the result of this and millions of plants and animals are close to being extinct in many countries ("Harmful Effects Of Deforestation"). The soil of depleted rainforests also get extremely affected, for example a study showed how soil is changed because of deforestation, since it starts to lose its organic matter and the phosphorous and nitrogen in it ("Effects of deforestation on grass biomass and soil nutrient status in miombo woodland, Zambia"). Lastly, possibly the most impactful effect of deforestation is how it contributes to climate change, since there are less trees that help prevent climate change ("Deforestation and Its Effect on the Planet").
Animals are affected in ways that threaten their habitat and survival; their homes get destroyed and the temperature difference would be harmful for both animals and plants ("Deforestation and Its Effect on the Planet"). Poachers have been able to hunt animals much easier in depleted forests, since many of their habitats are destroyed. Even animals who can escape poachers could face extinction ("The Effects of Rainforest Depletion on Animals"). This also has negative effects on medicinal research, and on the local populations who
One big effect of deforestation that it Contributes to the extinction of animals and plants . In the text ¨Pros and Cons of Deforestation¨ it states
“The role of humans in the deforestation of the world's forests is considerable and extensive.” Says Rhett Butler. Humans affect the rainforest many inadequate ways, such as deforestation, and wildfires. Deforestation
Many forests are dying and that can have a major effect on plants and humans. Forests are dying off because of droughts, deforestation and invasive species. Dying forests can also alter global climate and change how much sunlight is being absorbed in the different hemispheres. Western North American forests are suffering because of the drought while humans are affecting southwestern forests. The removal of forests has different impacts on different parts of the world. In some places, it is a good thing while in other places it is bad. Scientists are trying figure out where and how the surrounding plants are affected negatively and positively.
When forests are cut down it disturbs the climate and weather pattern on earth and threatens millions of organism and plants already living there. There's consequences to these actions; human are forgetting about the lives that lives in these forest. Animals are either left to die or having to move away and find another place to live, leaving the place they once called home. Human activities has also caused climate change. This has huge effects on the rainforest. According to the FAO's Global Forest Resource Assessment in 2015, forest destruction are happening frequently. This causes damages to the quality of the forest decreasing the chances of goods that are able to be produced. Human activities not only cause harm to the animals and creatures that live there but also to their own health is in danger. 250 different species of animals are found in the United states and Canada but their population are slowly decreasing due to forest depletion. The world resources institution guessed that around 1990 and 2020 that deforestation would cause 5-15% of the species in the world to be
Since the beginning of time, every single living organism on this planet has come to depend on one important thing, oxygen. One of the main sources of this life necessity is our trees. Trees are known to filter the air of many harmful pollutants and absorb carbon dioxide, making the air we breathe fresh and clear of toxins. But what happens when this source is eliminated from the environment? Deforestation, the removal of forests/trees, is a major ongoing issue that, not only has been happening for centuries, but is very well still occurring today. Although there are some positive aspects of deforestation, including building more communities, there are also many negatives that outweigh the positives. Scientists have estimated that between the years 1990-2015, the Earth lost approximately 129 million hectares of forest. The results have been catastrophic and include increased amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, the impending extinction of various different species, and major changes in the weather.
Deforestation is the process in which forests are stripped down to barren lands without any replacement being done. When the plants are taken from the rich soil, the sun beats down on it, making the nutrients evaporate, and the rich soil will become weak and useless. Climate is also a problem when deforestation occurs. Plants give off oxygen, along with carbon dioxide. Once the plants are gone, there will be MORE carbon dioxide and that effects the climate seriously. In the article "Devastating Facts of Deforestation it says " Perhaps one the plants holds the key yo
Imagine all the beautiful creatures happily living their days in the forest , resting in the sun and just enjoying their time on Earth. Well ... these peacful animals just got a very rude awakening because someone decide to deforest their area. Deforestation is the process of converting forest lands into non-forested areas. It is estimated that between 50-100 species are lost each day as a reasult of forestry . Deforestation should be stopped , there is no reason to destroy our forest . It is a heartless and selfish thing to do , it needs to be put to a stop for good .
Deforestation is a huge problem in to the regards of how it affects wildlife species’ habitats. Deforestation leads to huge amounts of loss in the habitats of wildlife. As important as forests are both environmentally and economically, many of our global forests are suffering from deforestation. Between 2000-2010, an average of 13 million hectares were deforested globally each year. At the rate at which the rainforest is being eliminated there will be no land left for the animals that live there.Leaving them with nothing and no home. This will cause the animals to start to become extinct and endangered. Deforestation is huge factor that leads to the endangerment of wildlife species. An example of this is the Golden Lion Tamarin Monkey. . There are approximately 800 of these monkeys left in the wild(_____). The home of this animal is slowly being stripped away as a result of deforestation. If nothing is done about this sooner or later this animal will be extinct and will no longer exist. Finally,
Environmental issues affect every life on this planet from the smallest parasite to the human race. There are many resources that humans and animal needs to survive; some of the most obvious resources come from the forests. Forests make up a large percentage of the globe. The forests have global implications not just on life but on the quality of it. Trees improve the quality of the air that species breath, determine rainfall and replenish the atmosphere. The wood from the forests are used everyday form many useful resources. Moreover, thinning the forests increases the amount of available light, nutrients and water for the remaining trees. Deforestation (forest thinning) is one of the most
Deforestation is a problem that does not concern many people, but it is an issue that the people of Earth need to deal with. In the past 50 years deforestation has increased a significant amount, but people around the world have been removing the forests since the 1600s. The forests remaining are in danger as the human population goes up, the need for resources will also increase and this will make the deforestation of the last forests come quicker before humans realize it is too late. Unless the people address this threat to the world, it will be too late because this is something that can be fixed, the forests can be rebuilt but it has to start right now before there is nothing people can do. There are many causes for deforestation such as, clearing space for urbanization, making areas available for houses, or harvesting the lumber for goods and other consumer items and all of these have an effect on the world. The consequences of deforestation can affect all aspects of life on Earth, including the water cycle, the soil, and the life quality of species around the world.
The rate of deforestation is increasing and the tropical forests are falling at approximately 140,000 acres per day (Miller & Tangley 1991: xvi). The forests are crucial to the environment. They are important in minimizing erosion, providing a stable habitat for many animals, and helping to keep the environment clean. Deforestation has devastating effects, not only on the biological dependents within the depleted forests, but also on the surrounding human-populated communities.
Three to six billion trees are cut down each and every year! Deforestation is a huge problem in the rainforests. Because these forests are home to much of the Earth’s species of life. Covering 30 percent of our land forests provide homes, protection, and oxygen for humans and other wildlife in the forests. There are 7.125 billion people that count on the benefits provided by the forest, which is: food, clothing, traditional medicine and shelter. If something isn 't done soon to reduce our carbon footprint, we will not have forests of any type to soak up the carbon dioxide(CO2) in the atmosphere.
According to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an estimated 18 million acres of forest, which is roughly the size of the country of Panama, are lost each year. Undeniably, the deteriorating environmental situation, the increasingly severe pollution of the atmosphere, and water, the severe damage to the living environment of wild animals and plants, the extinction of many species, the deforestation and the transitional mining of mineral resources caused contrary facts. Human existence and development have brought real and more serious potential threats. The scarcity of environmental resources is manifested gradually. As environmental issues are becoming a bottleneck restricting economic growth, it is imperative that lousy effect governed the environment.
Deforestation is the destruction of a wide area of forest land into a cleared land that is used for a variety of reasons. The impact on the environment from cutting down, burning and damaging forests is very detrimental and there are severe consequences for the environment and future generations because of deforestation. According to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization approximately 7.3 million hectares of forests are being destroyed per year in the world (Bradford, 2015). In this essay, I will explore the impact that deforestation on the environment and I will also look at the actions that are being taken to prevent deforestation. There are various reasons why deforestation is occurring despite its negative effects on the environment. Deforestation can cause very serious environmental problems such as climate change, flooding, loss of habitats as well as others.
Deforestation is a major global problem with serious consequences to the planet. These consequences have a negative effect on the climate, biodiversity, the atmosphere and threatens the cultural and physical survival of life. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. It has resulted in the reduction of indigenous forests to four-fifths of their pre-agricultural area, so that now indigenous forests cover only 21% of the earth's land surface. The world Resources Institute regards deforestation as one of the worlds most pressing land use problem.