
Negative Effects Of The Federal Minimum Wage

Decent Essays

Why the Federal Minimum Wage should not be raised.
The recent phenomenon of raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour has swept over the nation. Recently, both of Virginia's gubernatorial candidates have pledged to raise the minimum wage - if elected from $7.25 to $15 an hour. While their hearts are in the right place, raising the minimum wage will do more harm than good in poorer areas of the country.
I don't want to come out and say that a living wage for people is a bad idea in general but it just doesn't make economic sense. If the country is to raise the minimum wage, we should learn about all the possible effects that could come from this possibility and leave us worse off than before. When the wage is raised, you can expect more people than before being laid off to compensate for the raise. The effect of the raise is that small business and small ¨mom and pop¨ shops would no longer be able to compete against big business like Target and Mcdonald's, blocking young people or people with limited work experience from entry-level jobs. The possibility of some people benefiting from a raise in a minimum wage does not outbalance the negative effects of the raise.
Is the raise of the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour a good thing if around 9 million jobs would be lost? That is what James Sherk, a labor economist at the Heritage Foundation, claims based on his recent calculations. The question you have to ask yourself is, is it right for some people to end up with a living

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