
Negligence Essay

Better Essays

| | ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET(adapted for LAW1100 major essay submission purposes) |

UNITCode: TITLE: | NAME OF STUDENT (PRINT CLEARLY) FAMILY NAME FIRST NAME | STUDENT ID. NO. | NAME OF LECTURER (PRINT CLEARLY) | DUE DATE | Topic of assignment | Group or tutorial (if applicable) | Course | Campus | I certify that the attached assignment is my own work and that any material drawn from other sources has been acknowledged. Copyright in assignments remains my property. I grant permission to the University to make copies of assignments for assessment, review and/or record keeping purposes. I note that the University reserves the right to check my assignment for …show more content…

6.2 (insert your second sub heading here)…..……………………………….. 6.3 (insert your third sub heading here)…….………………………………..
(insert subsequent sub headings here if and as necessary)

7.0 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………

8.0 End References and Table of Cases ……………………………………….


This article will be written focused on the Topic Negligence and its three conditions which needs to be satisfied on balance of probability such as Duty of Care, Standard of Care and the requirements to prove that the causation of the damages suffered by the plaintiff was due to the act of the defendant. The article would cover these elements and its components in detail to provide the reader with a deep understanding on Negligence which is known to be one of the better known Torts. Furthermore this essay will be written relating every components with cases to provide a better knowledge to readers.


Negligence can be identified as one of many Torts. It is considered to be the most popular Tort. Negligence can be briefly defined as failure to take care on something and another party suffers

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