
Essay about Nelly in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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Nelly in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

In a novel where everything is turned upside down and every character plays a role they probably shouldn’t, Nelly Dean’s role is the most ambiguous. As both Lockwood’s and the reader’s narrator, Nelly plays the role of the storyteller. Yet at the same time, Nelly is also a character in the story that she tells, occupying a vast array of roles. As a character within her own tale, Nelly attempts to manipulate the actions of her fellow characters. The best way for the reader to understand both Nelly’s role in the novel and her manipulative actions is to see Nelly as being representative of the author. Authors occupy roles that are similarly as ambiguous as Nelly’s role, acting as both …show more content…

Even though Nelly already occupies her given niche in being the housekeeper, Lockwood wants her to step into a second role as the gossip, a role that she whole-heartedly embraces. Thus, even before Nelly’s narrative commences she already begins to occupy multiple and distinctly separate roles, setting the reader up to expect an ambiguity over Nelly’s exact role in the novel.
This lack of role-clarity continues throughout Nelly’s narrative. She is a servant, yet according to her narration, Nelly has grown up with Hindley, Catherine and Heathcliff and is thus in some ways a peer. She says that she was often at Wuthering Heights because her “mother had nursed Mr. Hindley Earnshaw… and I got used to playing with the children- I ran errands too, and helped to make hay, and hung about the farm ready for anything that anybody would set me to” (Brontë, 36). The problems with Nelly’s role-ambiguity have already begun. Thus far we have seen Nelly occupy the role of the housekeeper, the gossip, a farm-worker and a family-member. Her exact role in her given society is entirely unclear.

Rather than being resolved, this lack of clarity is compounded throughout the course of Nelly’s narrative, where she continues to fill many separate roles. For instance, at different times, Nelly acts as both a mother figure and a housekeeper to multiple masters.

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