
Nelson Mandela Ethos

Decent Essays

The speech I am analyzing is Nelson Mandela’s speech, Apartheid has no future. In his speech given on February 11, 1990, Mandela thanks all those that stood with him while he was imprisoned. He also stresses there should be more of an effort to completely abolish apartheid. Mandela uses several rhetorical devices to build a strong speech. Nelson Mandela’s speech “Apartheid has no future” is persuasive based on its use of ethos, logos, and pathos. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ethos is built through Mandela’s character. Nelson Mandela was “imprisoned in 1964 for treason, stemming from his activities with the banned African National Congress (ANC)” (Sawinski). When he was twenty-four years old Mandela joined the national African Congress. The ANC fought for civil rights for black South Africans. During his time in the ANC Mandela was a part of a peaceful protest. Later a new organization formed called the Congress Youth League, which was a departure or the ANC and its traditional …show more content…

The second half of Mandela’s speech outlines the goals and strategies that the ANC use in order to normalize free political activity. Mandela also suggests ways to become better. He suggests an ending to the state of emergency and freedom for all political prisoners. “I reiterate our call for inter alia the immediate ending of the state of emergency and the freeing of all, and not only some, political prisoners” (Mandela) This statement is an example of logos because these are realistic goals/ requests that can be accomplished. Another objective Mandela states are the negotiations of the dismantling of apartheid. “Negotiations on the dismantling of apartheid will have to address the overwhelming demand of our people for a democratic nonracial and unitary South Africa” (Mandela). In this statement, Mandela states what dismantling apartheid will do and it would address the demand for a democratic nonracial and unitary South Africa. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1

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