
Neolithic Culture

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1. Culture is a term that can be commonly defined as a group of physical and nonphysical expressions, technologies, and ideas that are passed from generation to generation. Culture has three parts that compose it, which are artifacts (physical expressions of a culture, such as a book), mentifacts (Mental expressions of culture that are focused particularly on knowledge, such as mathematics), and sociofacts (Mental expressions of culture that occur as interactions between people, such as dancing). Culture appeared during the beginning of the Neolithic Era (or the New Stone Age), and increasingly diversified and increased in frequency as the population of the human race increased. Certain cultures can become absent if its practicers die off, which also takes away the mentifacts and sociofacts of that culture. However, physical objects, including artifacts, will remain as long as its materials can last.
2. History is the study and …show more content…

Neolithic is a term used to describe the era of humanity from 8,000 B.C.E., when agriculture first appeared, until now. The Neolithic Era is referred to as the “New Stone Age”, and most of human advancements have occurred within this time. At about that time, people in Mesopotamia began to practice vegetable farming and animal domestication, but many other peoples across the world began agriculture briefly afterwards (there was no communication between peoples that invoked this). Agriculture brought people the ability to sustain groups larger than bands, and the human population has increased at a very high rate as the consequence of agriculture. Women lost their power in society, because farming required extremely difficult work. Because men have a stronger stature than most women, men began to dominate society and created Patriarchal Societies. There has been no major matriarchal society afterwards, and women in many countries fight for power. The Neolithic era has not ended, but is also credited for the mass expansion of group

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