
Neonatal Isoerythrolysis Research Paper

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Neonatal isoerythrolysis (NI) occurs in newborns. It is a type of immune mediated hemolytic anemia which occurs due to maternal antibodies binding to the neonate’s erythrocyte antigens consequently then causing hemolysis . The mother develops antibodies against the neonate’s RBC antigens from a previous exposure, or sensitization, to blood-group-incompatible erythrocytes. This sensitization can occur due to fetal blood entering the maternal circulation, administration of vaccinations containing incompatible erythrocytes or from blood transfusions with a mismatched blood type. This disorder can occur in horse foals, mule foals, calves, kittens, puppies and piglets, but is most commonly seen in foals. Approximately 90% of the cases seen in …show more content…

There will most likely be some icterus and dyspnea associated with the anemia as well. There is also a possibility that hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, thrombocytopenia as well as dissemination intravascular coagulation may develop as well. An unusual symptom that may occur in kittens is necrosis of the tip of the tail . The animals affected by this disorder appear normal once birthed; however, these symptoms then develop 24 to 48 hours after suckling and can potentially result in sudden death within the first week of life …show more content…

With regards to horses, blood from the mare can be tested about 30 days prior to parturition to determine whether there are anti-RBC antibodies in her serum and blood group incompatibility. This information can then be used to predict the chance of NI occurring in the foal. If it is determined that the mare has been sensitized and her serum contains possible antibodies to the foals blood cells, then the colostrum can be withheld from the foal and the foal can be given another mare’s colostrum . Mares and cows should have their serum tested before their offspring are allowed to nurse

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