
Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

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Many companies, like McDonalds, lie about what actually goes on at their farms. “Free range” “Cruelty free” “Killed in a humane way” Those are just some the things that consumers are told and believe everyday. Saying thank you to the animal before munching on its flesh and bones doesn’t excuse what happens to them. The abuse and torture animals go through at factory farms isn’t fair and needs to be stopped immediately.

You shouldn’t have to be an animal lover to get upset over the treatment of these animals. 99% of animals raised in farms are raised in factory farms, and of those, 97% are tortured. On top of that, most of the animals do not receive antibiotics for the abuse they go through. Mother pigs spend most of their miserable lives in tiny gestation and farrowing crates so small that they can’t even turn around and forced to get pregnant over and over again, until their bodies can’t handle it anymore.. Males are either killed immediately, or castrated at a young age then kept only for their meat. Piglets, in general, are torn away from their mothers after only a few weeks, tails are chopped off, and the ends of their teeth are snipped off, then the spend days to weeks to months in cramped, crowded pens on slabs of filthy concrete until it gets decided what will happen to them.
Harvested for their urine, the horses suffer for the production of the drug hormone replacement drugs premarin (Pregnant Mare's Urine). At PMU farms mares in their third or

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